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E-Mail Security Edition

Alternatives to Password-Protected Zip Files

HENNGE Secure Download

HENNGE Secure Download is a file transafer solution that provides an alternative to password-protected zip file operations. This service automatically detaches and uploads the attached files when the E-Mail is sent, meanwhile sends the recipient a PDF file with the original E-Mail body and the URL to download the attachments. Recipients can verify their E-Mail address via the URL on the PDF file and enter the verification code to download the file.

What is the problem with Password-Protected Zip Files?

“Traditional solutions automatically converst attachments into password-protected zip files and then sends the password through the same route.
Though this method has been adopted by many companies, recently its safety and convenience have been questioned and there has been a movement among government agencies and private companies to discontinue this approach.”

HENNGE Secure Download is
an alternative to Password-Protected Zip Files
That Improves Security Without Compromising User’s Convenience


IdP Edition

HENNGE One IdP is market-leading Identity and Access Management solutions. Consolidate redundant user accounts and simplify access to Windows and Mac devices, on-premises services, and cloud applications. HENNGE One provides everything you need to secure your workforce, customer at a price that works for your budget.

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