a targeted attack email training service

Protecting companies from targeted e-mail attacks through in-house e-mail training and “easy” reporting

Tadrill improves the security level of an organization through continuous/practical targeted attack e-mail countermeasure training completed in-house, which could not be achieved through conventional targeted attack e-mail training, and through the establishment of a reporting flow.

By improving employee literacy, Tadrill can lower the risk of corporate information leaks by providing countermeasures against email-borne attacks, including targeted attack emails, which are said to be difficult to prevent completely with virus countermeasures alone.

What is Targeted Attack Email Training?

Targeted Attack Email Training is a training program that sends simulated targeted attack emails to employees of an organization to raise their awareness of the dangers of cyber attacks.In recent years, cyber-attacks have been increasingly targeted using advanced social engineering techniques.

After careful investigation, attackers pose as real business partners of the target organization and send e-mails with attachments that disguise confidential information.If an employee opens and executes the email without realizing it, malware can infiltrate the organization.To prepare for such threats, targeted attack e-mail training involves sending simulated e-mails to employees using the same tactics as actual attacks.The system automatically detects and provides feedback if employees open the e-mails or engage in other risky behavior.

Through repeated training, each employee will become more aware of the risks and acquire the ability to respond to targeted attacks.Human countermeasures are essential to protect an organization in conjunction with HENNGE One’s countermeasure solutions.Targeted attack e-mail training is an effective way to improve the security capabilities of the entire organization.

Importance of Targeted Attack Email Training

of attacks are delivered via email.
phishing incidents reported in one month*1
Emotet consultations to IPA*2

It is said that more than 90% of cyber attacks are carried out via e-mail.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to respond to increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks such as targeted attacks and ransomware using only conventional anti-virus software.

In order to respond to targeted attack e-mails, it is important to raise employee awareness through e-mail training so that they do not open suspicious e-mails and report any suspicious e-mails they do open to management.

Tadrill strengthens the response capability by sending training e-mails to employees that simulate targeted attack e-mails.
In addition, the training, in which suspicious e-mails are easily reported to the administrator via an add-on function, contributes to the establishment of a reporting flow
*1: Number of phishing reports received by the Council of Anti-Phishing Japan in July 2024 (Council of Anti-Phishing Japan,https://www.antiphishing.jp/report/monthly/202407.html)
*2: Number of consultations received by IPA from April to June 2024Number of consultations (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Information Security Reassurance Consultation Service [Q2 2024 (April-June)],https://www.ipa.go.jp/security/anshin/reports/2024q2outline.html)

Targeted attack email sample

How to prevent targeted attack e-mails

Entrance and exit countermeasures
  • Update the software you are using to the latest version
  • Use of email filtering HENNGE Cloud Protection
  • HENNGE E-Mail DLP monitors and detects/blocks suspicious external e-mails
  • HENNGE E-Mail Archive for daily logging/monitoring
  • Protect your identity with access control and multi-factor authentication with HENNGE Access Control

HENNGE One is the solution.

Increased security awareness
  • Develop the ability to identify suspicious e-mails through various e-mail drills.
  • Easy” reporting of suspicious e-mails to the administrator
  • Establish appropriate behavior when receiving suspicious e-mails

Tadrill solves the problem.

Tadrill Features

Practical training as often as possible
You can train as many times as you like during the contract period.
Tadrill’s targeted attack email training service does not end after one or two training sessions, but rather contributes to improving organizational literacy by conducting a variety of training sessions multiple times.
Add-on makes it “easy” to report suspicious e-mails
By installing the reporting add-on to Gmail or Outlook, emails other than targeted attack email training can be easily reported to the administrator.This will help establish a culture of reporting suspicious e-mails.
Easy to implement
Tadrill is a self-service service that differs from general targeted attack email training services, allowing the person in charge to easily start training at any time of his or her choosing.
Templates are available to accommodate trends
Trend-setting training email templates are available to help you develop the ability to respond to ever-changing threats.

Tadrill, HENNGE’s targeted attack email training service, is a training program designed to enhance corporate security measures.To improve employees’ ability to recognize threats such as phishing e-mails, freely created and unlimited number of e-mails with realistic scenarios can be distributed, and the content can be arranged according to current trends.Training results are analyzed in detail and include how to respond if an employee clicks on a URL.Customized programs are provided for each training target.This raises the security awareness of not only the individual employee, but also the organization.

About HENNGE, the management company

HENNGE K.K. was founded in 1996 as Horizon Digital Enterprise, changed its name to HENNGE in 2019 and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth (former Mothers) market. In 2021, the company was ranked “No.1” in the category of “Emerging Market Issues” in the “Securities Analysts’ Selection of Excellent Disclosure Companies.
We develop and market cloud security services for enterprises, including “HENNGE One,” a multifunctional SaaS authentication infrastructure (IDaaS) and de-PPAP.

If you are worried about targeted attack e-mails,
please feel free to contact us.