Human Rights Policy

HENNGE K.K. and its subsidiaries (collectively, "HENNGE"), promote business operations under the management philosophy of "Liberation of Technology" with the belief that by widely delivering our unique technologies and cutting-edge technologies, we can bring about a society where more and more people, regardless of country, region, age, gender, race, or ethnicity, can engage in more creative activities. In pursuit of this philosophy, we uphold the principles of diversity and inclusion, actively seeking to operate in diverse environments to foster a variety of changes within ourselves.

Recognizing that efforts to respect human rights are essential to realizing the liberation of technology, we hereby establish this "Human Rights Policy."

HENNGE applies this policy to all officers and employees. Also, in order to put this policy into practice, the cooperation of everyone who may be directly linked to HENNGE's operations, products, or services by business relationships is necessary. Therefore, we expect all stakeholders to understand and support this policy.

[Our Basic Policy]

HENNGE will strive not to infringe on the human rights of people affected by our business operations in order to fulfill our responsibilities as a company that respects human rights.

[Declaration of Support and Respect for Underlying Principles and Compliance with Laws and Regulations]

HENNGE supports and respects the principles enshrined in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" adopted by the United Nations, the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and the "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" which are treaties based on the Declaration and have been ratified by Japan, and the "International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work", and complies with laws and other regulations applicable to HENNGE regarding efforts to respect human rights.

[How to Implement Human Rights Respect Initiatives]

    (1) Principles for implementing initiatives
    HENNGE will promote human rights respect initiatives with reference to the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", the Japanese government "the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights", etc.

    (2) Implementation of education and awareness programs
    HENNGE will conduct appropriate education and awareness programs for HENNGE's officers and employees, so that this policy is incorporated into HENNGE's business operations and effectively implemented.

    (3) Human rights due diligence
    HENNGE will identify actual and potential human rights impacts that HENNGE may cause or contribute to through its own activity, or which may be directly linked to HENNGE's operations, products, or services by its business relationships, and take steps to prevent or mitigate them.

    (4) Remedy
    If HENNGE confirms that it is actually causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts, we will work to remedy them through appropriate procedures.

    (5) Accountability
    HENNGE will disclose its human rights respect initiatives and fulfill its accountability for practicing human rights respect.

    (6) Responsible person
    HENNGE's Representative Director will be responsible for the implementation and supervision of this policy.

Established on October 1, 2024