
HENNGE’s Shimizu to speak at online seminar on February 14 (Wed.) on the theme of promoting DX through secure file sharing

The PPAP method of sending compressed files with passwords and passwords in separate e-mails has been increasingly being discontinued in recent years because it has been pointed out that it is meaningless as a security measure and has the adverse effect of encouraging malware infection. Various alternative methods have been proposed, such as online storage and sending files and passwords separately, but the convenience and security of these methods vary depending on the operations of the company and its stakeholders. This seminar will provide a variety of information on what measures each company is taking and what IT investments should be promoted.

While many companies continue to use the PPAP method despite being aware of the risks, HENNGE will provide information on what is important in accelerating the shift away from PPAP, and will guide you to the best solution by leveraging its strength in providing e-mail countermeasures since the days when PPAP operation began.

Event Name Business IT Web Seminar
Breaking Free from PPAP 2024 Winter
Event Date Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 13:00-17:40
Speakers“The Progressive De-PPAP
– The Real Reason We Know But Cannot Do It”

HENNGE Corporation
CS Sales Division, Presales Engineering Section
Shoma Shimizu

The lecture will be from 13:40 to 14:10
Venue Online
Co-organizer SB Creative Corporation (Business + IT)
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteClick here for details