
HENNGE’s Sekine to speak at “Risk Management for Japanese Companies in ASEAN” seminar on May 15 (Wed.)

DX promotion is the key to business expansion for Japanese companies operating in the ASEAN region. Security risk countermeasures are also an important initiative that cannot be separated from it. In this seminar, we will discuss how to strengthen security governance to deal with risks such as information leakage, unauthorized access, embezzlement, and virus infection.

HENNGE will explain security measures from the perspective of “SaaS Authentication Infrastructure (IDaaS)” with actual examples.

Event Title What Japanese companies in ASEAN need to know about risk management
-Cloud Billing Management and IDaaS for Enhanced Governance
Event Date Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Japan time 15:00-16:00, Thailand time 13:00-14:00, Singapore time 14:00-15:00
SpeakersWhat security measures are necessary to promote DX in overseas subsidiaries?

Cloud Sales Division, Global Sales Section Manager
Miki Sekine
Venue Online
Hosted bySansan Global Pte. Ltd.
Supported byHENNGE K.K.
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteClick here for details