
HENNGE co-hosts online seminar with ExaWizards, Inc. on the theme of Generative AI x Security Measures.

In recent years, there have been numerous incidents of unauthorized access and leakage of customer information, requiring increasingly robust security measures, while at the same time requiring the use of new technologies such as generative AI to improve productivity.

This seminar will focus on the theme of security measures in the age of generative AI, and will explain the latest trends in the development of environments for the use of generative AI, as well as recent e-mail security and information leakage countermeasures.

HENNGE will discuss the latest trends in email security and information leakage countermeasures, and introduce HENNGE One, a cloud security service that provides both convenience and security.

Event Name Security Measures in the Era of Generative AI
Event Date Thursday, September 26, 2024, 15:00-16:00
Speakers and date/time HENNGE Corporation
Deputy Section Manager, Partner Sales Planning Section, Cloud Sales Division
Yoshiyuki Okutani

The lecture will be from 15:25 to 15:50.
Venue Online
Hosted by Exa Wizards Inc.
HENNGE Corporation
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event websiteClick here for details