
HENNGE’s Hideki Saito will be speaking at an online event organized by Nikkei xTech on Wednesday, September 15.

As the new normal working style based on teleworking expands, management, system administrators, and security personnel are required to find ways to continue business operations without stopping business.

This seminar will introduce the latest information security measures that must be taken in the new normal era in the form of a live online seminar.

Event Name Information Security Strategy Seminar 2021
〜Cyber Security Measures in the New Normal Era
Date of Event September 15, 2021 (Wed) 13:00-17:25
Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:00-16:10
Speaker Details, Dates and Times Zero Trust Security Measures Required in the Cloud Era
Hideki Saito, West Japan Sales Manager, West Japan Sales, HENNGE K.K.

The lecture will be held on Wednesday, September 15, 13:35-14:05
Venue To be held online
Hosted by Nikkei xTech
Platinum Sponsors Deep Instinct, Fortinet Japan G.K.,
Fujitsu Limited, HENNGE K.K.
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteFor more information, please click here.