
On Friday, March 11, Nakamoto of HENNGE will speak at a real seminar on the theme of security measures.

The “10 Major Threats to Information Security,” published annually by the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA) to promote information security measures, has been released again this year. This is an important document for considering the security policy for the year.

In this presentation, based on the 10 major threats announced this year, we will show you the countermeasures against threats that can be realized with HENNGE One, an all-in-one SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) that provides single sign-on, secure access, e-mail security such as e-mail security, including countermeasures against targeted attacks and misdirection, including measures against PPAP. The booth exhibit will include the “HENNGE One” SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS).

At the booth exhibition, we will introduce the functions of “HENNGE One” and conduct product demonstrations.

Event Name Security Days Spring 2022
Event Date Wednesday, March 9 – Friday, March 11, 2022
Sessions: 9:00-18:00 each day
Exhibition: 10:30-17:20 each day
Speakers, Dates and TimesSecurity Threats Today as Seen from Information Security 10 Major Threats 2022″
Cloud Sales Division, East Japan Sales Section
Account Manager
Takuya Nakamoto

The lecture will be held on Friday, March 11, 16:35-17:15
Venue JP Tower Hall & Conference (KITTE 4F)
(2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Organizer NANO OPT Media, Inc.
Admission Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteFor more information, click here.