
HENNGE’s Yabe to speak at online seminar on July 26 (Tuesday) on the theme of security measures for cloud services

Security measures are essential to safely maximize the use of cloud services. In this seminar, we will introduce in detail the measures that can be taken with the groupware “Microsoft 365” and cloud security “HENNGE One”.

This seminar is recommended for those who are considering migrating to or implementing cloud services, those who are using cloud services but are concerned about security, and those who are considering implementing Microsoft 365 and HENNGE One.

Event Name Securely using SaaS!
Security measures you can take with Microsoft 365 and HENNGE One! WEB Seminar
Event Date Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 16:00-17:00
Speaker Details, Date and TimeSecurity Trends and Security Measures with HENNGE One

Partner Sales Section, Cloud Sales Division
Kazuma Yabe
Venue Online
Hosted by USEN Smart Works
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteFor more details, click here.