
HENNGE’s Shigaki to speak at online seminar on September 13 (Tuesday) on the topic of zero-trust security

With the spread of telework and the expansion of cloud computing, important information assets are now residing not only internally but also externally (in the cloud). The conventional defense methods (perimeter type defense) cannot cope with cyber attacks that are evolving day by day.
In this seminar, we will explain the steps and specific solutions for building zero-trust security in an easy-to-understand manner.

HENNGE will introduce how to realize zero-trust with ID management and authentication service “IDaaS” and cloud security provided by IDaaS “HENNGE One”.

Event Name First Steps to Build Zero Trust Security
~The world that can be realized with HENNGE One, which has been introduced to more than 2,000 companies
Event Date Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 14:00-15:00
Speaker Details, Date and TimeFirst Steps to Zero Trust Security
-The world that can be realized with HENNGE One, which is deployed in more than 2,000 companies

Cloud Sales Division, Partner Sales Section
Saya Shigaki
The lecture will be from 14:25 to 14:50
Venue Held online
Organizers Co-sponsored by NIPPON OFFICE SYSTEMS LTD. and HENNGE K.K.
Admission Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteClick here for details