
HENNGE’s Ko to speak at online seminar on Thursday, September 15 on the topic of optimizing email delivery infrastructure in the public cloud

Along with the spread of remote work and DX, the use of various external systems (SaaS) is increasing. As a result, the boundary between security and internal systems is disappearing, and companies are being asked to strengthen their governance based on the premise that they have actively introduced external systems.

HENNGE will provide companies that provide web services with information on how to select email delivery services in AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Specifically, we will introduce how to build a DMARC mail delivery infrastructure with high deliverability and availability in a small number of man-hours, while dealing with risks such as the difficulty of mass delivery, the threat of spoofing, and compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law, using examples of customer initiatives.

Event Title Optimizing Email Delivery Infrastructure in the Public Cloud
Event Date September 15, 2022 (Thursday) 16:00-17:00
Speaker and DateOptimizing Email Delivery Infrastructure in the Three Major Public Clouds – Points to Keep in Mind to Avoid Troubles at Release Time”

Messaging Business Division
Digital Sales
Kayo Ko
Venue Online
Hosted by SKYARCH
Participation Fee Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteClick here for more details