
HENNGE joins “PyCon US 2023” as a partner sponsor

HENNGE will participate as a partner sponsor in PyCon US 2023, an international conference on the programming language Python, to be held in Salt Lake City, U.S.A., from Friday, April 21 to Sunday, April 23.

PyCon (Python Conference) is the largest annual conference held to promote the Python programming language and to interact with Python users, where demos and sessions are held. PyCon is now held in more than 40 countries each year in different countries and regions.

As an IT company, HENNGE continues to sponsor tech conferences around the world because we benefit from open source in our service development on a daily basis, and we want to give back by boosting the open source community. This is the first time we have directly sponsored an international tech conference since the pandemic, and we hope to introduce HENNGE there and interact with the people involved, as well as make the most of our recruitment activities.

For more information about HENNGE’s open source support activities, please click here.

Event Name PyCon US 2023
Event Date April 19 (Wed) to 27 (Thu), 2023
HENNGE will have a booth from April 21 (Fri.) to 23 (Sun.)
Venue Salt Palace Convention Center
(100 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84101)
You can also participate online.
Organized by Python Software Foundation
Event SiteFor more information, click here.