
HENNGE’s Ono to speak at online seminar on cybersecurity on Thursday, June 22

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Cyber Security Management Guidelines” have been revised for the first time in five years in response to the diversification and sophistication of cyber attacks. In this seminar, we will explain the intent and background of the guidelines, and introduce “Targeted Email Training Service” and “PPAP Countermeasures”.

The “PPAP method” of sending ZIP files with passwords by e-mail has the risk of infecting trading companies in the supply chain with malware. from HENNGE, we will explain the problem of PPAP and the risk of infecting trading partners, and introduce the cloud security service “HENNGE One” de-PPAP HENNGE One” cloud security service.

Event Title In-depth explanation of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Cyber Security Management Guideline” revised after 5 years!
Event Date Thursday, June 22, 2023, 13:30-15:00
Speaker Details, Date and TimeReducing the Risk of Infection of Business Partners! PPAP problem and solution for sending emails
-Introduction of the introduction effect of “HENNGE Secure Download” which is used by 200,000 companies


Cloud Sales Division, Partner Sales Planning Section
Masayuki Ono

The lecture will be from 14:35 to 15:00
Venue Held online
Admission Free (Pre-registration required)
Event SiteFor more details, click here.