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Notices and announcements from HENNGE.
HENNGE’s Takagi and Ishikawa to speak at DX-themed “Nikkei xTECH NEXT Nagoya 2023” on June 28 (Wed.) – 29 (Thu.)
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HENNGE One ad wins Nikkei BP Marketing Awards Silver Prize.
Kawamoto and Mizuta of HENNGE to speak at “Nikkei xTECH NEXT Kansai 2023” on the theme of DX success from June 8 (Thu.) to 9 (Fri.)
HENNGE’s Okutani to speak at DX-themed “Nikkei Crosstech NEXT Kyushu 2023” from May 11 (Thu.) to 12 (Fri.)
May 10 (Wed.) – 12 (Fri.), 2012: Exhibiting at EDIX Tokyo – Introducing security measures in the education field
HENNGE joins “PyCon US 2023” as a partner sponsor
HENNGE’s Matsushima to speak at online seminars on April 14 (Fri.) and 21 (Fri.) on the theme of security in the era of cloud shift.
HENNGE’s Okutani to speak at online seminar on March 23 (Thursday) on the theme of information security measures in the age of With Corona
HENNGE’s Hayashi to speak at seminar on March 24 (Friday) on the theme of cloud migration to accelerate DX promotion.
HENNGE’s Okutani to speak at online seminar on SaaS management and security measures when entering and leaving work on Thursday, April 13
HENNGE will be speaking at an online seminar on Wednesday, March 22 – Thursday, March 23 on the topic of security measures when deploying Microsoft 365.
Security Risk Management Roundtable for Executives on Thursday, March 2