HENNGE K.K. (Shibuya, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kazuhiro Ogura) is pleased to announce that the mobiconnect provided by Inventit Inc. is now supported by the SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) HENNGE One.
Inventit Inc.’s mobiconnect is a service for managing and running smartphones, tablets, and other devices. The service enables the centralized management of device settings, app configurations, and other details, thereby providing support without imposing a burden on users or administrators. The service also enables security measures via remote operation in the event of theft or loss.
By linking HENNGE One and mobiconnect together, companies will be freed from the hassle of managing multiple IDs and passwords, while enabling accurate access control. HENNGE will continue to increase the number of SaaS services linked with its SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) HENNGE One, facilitating the introduction of SaaS conveniently and securely to companies.
■ About mobiconnect
Inventit Inc.’s mobiconnect is a mobile device management (MDM) service for corporations. The service is an essential tool for helping companies to manage the mobile devices essential for work, and it reduces the hassle of management while enabling work to be done safely with features that include the ability to change settings from remote locations, obtain location information in the event of loss, lock devices, and erase data.
■ About HENNGE One
HENNGE One is a SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) that provides comprehensive secure access, single sign-on function, and other features across various cloud services, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Box, and LINE WORKS.
■ About HENNGE K.K.
Guided by the philosophy of the liberation of technology, we pursue independent technologies and new technologies suitable for the times to develop services that bridge the gap between technology and reality ahead of other companies.
Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Office Division
Email: info@hennge.com
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yuya Yamamoto
*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.