Press Room

SEMBA CORPORATION and Showcase Inc., two HENNGE One users, win TOKYO Telework Award grand prizes

HENNGE K.K. (Shibuya, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kazuhiro Ogura) is pleased to announce that SEMBA CORPORATION and Showcase Inc.-companies that use the SaaS authentication platform/IDaaS HENNGE One-have won grand prizes in the Tokyo-organized TOKYO Telework Award large company category and small and medium-sized company category, respectively.

■ About Tokyo Telework Award
Given the need for the effective promotion of telework to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is supporting the related initiatives of business operators by using the TOKYO Telework Awards to recognize companies that have declared Telework Tokyo Rules for model or advanced cases, including small companies, industries in which it is difficult to introduce telework, and the spread of telework effects to client companies.

We have declared the goal of achieving the number 1 job satisfaction in the industry in our medium-term management plan, and-based on our policy of transforming work styles and approaches-we have promoted various initiatives. As a result of researching new work styles in response to COVID-19, we won a grand prize in the first TOKYO Telework Awards, which makes us extremely happy. This is entirely due to HENNGE’s kind support, and we thank them from the bottom of our heart.

■ Comment from Showcase Inc.
As a result of aiming to achieve a sustainable work style in response to the new normal starting in 2020, Showcase received a TOKYO Telework Award grand prize from Tokyo due to the related initiatives yielding an advanced model case. In particular, we were praised for achieving an at home work environment that is essentially the same as a conventional workplace, including our telework rate of 95%, continuously supplied telework allowance of 20,000 yen per month, online handling of sales activities, and hybrid virtual general meeting of shareholders. HENNGE supported us with HENNGE Email DLP, which helps to prevent email sending mistakes, and HENNGE Secure Transfer, which makes sending files to and receiving them from customers more secure.

On June 15, 2021 (Tue.), from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. HENNGE held an online seminar in which SEMBA CORPORATION and Showcase Inc. participated as speakers.

Event name: Two TOKYO Telework Award Grand Prize Winning Companies Talk About Building a Safe, Convenient Telework Environment
Event date: June 15, 2021 (Tue.), from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Venue: held online
Organized by: HENNGE K.K.
Participation fee: free (advance registration system)
Intended for: employees of the Information System Department

HENNGE will continue to help companies introduce SaaS services that achieve both convenience and safety.

■ About HENNGE One
HENNGE One is a SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) that provides comprehensive secure access, single sign-on function, and other features across various cloud services, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Box, and LINE WORKS.

■ About HENNGE K.K.
Guided by the philosophy of the liberation of technology, we pursue independent technologies and new technologies suitable for the times to develop services that bridge the gap between technology and reality ahead of other companies.

Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuhiro Ogura (Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer)

■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Division
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yuya Yamamoto

*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.