Press Room

52% of Companies Introduced File Attachment Download Service as an Alternative to “PPAP” ~ 200,000 Companies is Now Utilizing HENNGE One’s Non-PPAP Function〜

In February 2023, HENNGE K.K. (headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer: Kazuhiro Ogura) conducted a survey on PPAP (1), a method of sending a zip file with password and sending the password separately in another email. It was found that 52.7% of companies have already introduced a file attachment download service (2) as an alternative to PPAP. At the same time, we would like to announce that the number of companies using HENNGE Secure Download, which is a non-PPAP solution enabling secure file transmission via email and is a function of our cloud security service “HENNGE One”, has exceeded 200,000 companies (*3) in approximately 1 year and 3 months since the launch of this service.

The growing trend toward the abolition of PPAP due to its high-security risk indicates that domestic companies are now shifting towards using download services.

Up until now, in Japan, PPAP has been widely used as a means of transmitting files. However, in recent years, due to the spread of Emotet, a malware (malicious software) that could be transmitted through email, there has been an accelerated trend toward the abolition of PPAP. According to a survey by Tokyo Shoko Research, out of the 165 incidents of information leakage that occurred among listed companies and their subsidiaries in 2022, the number of “virus infection” and “unauthorized access” cases, being 91 incidents, was the highest record and also accounted for more than half; in these cases, the main cause was attributed to Emotet infection. (*4)

HENNGE’s “Survey on PPAP Implementation Status of Companies”, which was conducted in February 2023 among 300 information system admins, also reveals that 17.0% of companies “have banned PPAP transmission and already introduced alternative methods”, 11.7% are “recommending sending by alternative methods”, 5.7% are “considering banning PPAP in the future”, 13.7% “have never adopted PPAP”. It could be seen that a total of 47.4% of respondents are moving towards the abolition of PPAP. This is much higher than the 25.3% who responded that they “allow PPAP transmissions”.

“Survey on PPAP Implementation Status of Companies”; Survey period: February 7 – February 10, 2023, Survey respondents number: 300; Respondents: People who are working at the Information System Department of companies that have more than 300 employees; Survey method: Internet survey; Survey Company: Cross Marketing Inc.

See the original survey result here (in Japanese).

Additionally, of the 110 respondents who have answered “already introduced alternative methods to PPAP” to HENNGE survey, 52.7% listed “file attachment download service” as the service they had introduced. It could be seen that the majority of companies are shifting towards attachment download services in conjunction with the discontinuation of PPAP.

As the needs for attachment download services increase, “HENNGE Secure Download”, an attachment download function released by HENNGE in October 2021, has exceeded 200,000 companies in use in January 2023. From this result, it could be seen that domestic companies are rapidly replacing PPAP with file attachment download services that are safe and hassle-free. (*5)

By promoting the non-PPAP solution “HENNGE Secure Download”, and HENNGE One, HENNGE will continue to support secure file transfer and help improve convenience and safety for companies.

*1. Abbreviations for P – Zip-encrypted file with Password is sent; P – Password is sent separately, A – Encryption (“angouka” in Japanese”); P – Protocol
*2. A service that automatically saves the attached file to cloud storage so that the recipient could download the file from the generated URL.
*3. Cumulative estimates based on the number of unique domains (excluding the domains of well-known free email services, ISPs, etc.) among the address domains for which the recipients who received attachments via HENNGE Secure Download authenticated themselves when downloading files.
*4. Source: Personal Information Leakage and Loss Incidents: Highest number for 2 consecutive years, 165 cases where 5.92 million people information was leaked or lost – 2022 Survey on Personal Information Leakage and Loss of Listed Companies ( (Japanese)

■ About HENNGE Secure Download
HENNGE Secure Download was released as a non-PPAP feature of HENNGE One, a cloud security service by HENNGE, in October 2021. By simply sending the file as an attachment to the email like usual, the attached file will automatically be uploaded to cloud storage. The recipient will then receive the content of the email, along with a PDF containing the URL to download the attachment file. Once the recipient requests authentication of their email address, an authentication code will be sent separately through another channel. Since the download URL is issued to each recipient, only the recipient can authenticate and download the file. In addition, in case an incorrect file is attached by mistake, the URL can be disabled even after transmission.

■ About HENNGE One
HENNGE One is a cloud security service that supports the “safety” and “convenience” of the working environment. The “IdP Edition”, one of the two main functions of HENNGE One, integrates ID/passwords for multiple cloud services, such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Box, etc., and provides protection against unauthorized access through access control. Additionally, the “E-Mail Security Edition” includes a wide range of e-mail security functions, including non-PPAP, targeted attack protection, and e-mail error/audit support. With a variety of functions, we support the use of cloud services for enterprises and continue our corporate philosophy of “Liberation of Technology”.

■ About HENNGE K.K.
HENNGE K.K. was established in November 1996. It is a SaaS company, guided by the philosophy of “liberation of technology to change the world” and it develops and sells unique services that bridge the gap between technology and reality. HENNGE provides “HENNGE One”, a one-stop cloud security service enabling consolidated IDs and passwords management of multiple cloud services, “Customers Mail Cloud” which is a cloud email distribution service, and “SumaMachi”, which is an interactive communication service between local government bodies and their residents. Since October 2019, HENNGE had been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Mothers, and then, a transition was made to the TSE Growth in April, 2022.
The company name “HENNGE” originated from the Japanese character for transformation, ‘HENNKA’ and ‘CHALLENGE’, which represents its commitment to keep challenging against every change we encounter.

Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuhiro Ogura (Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer)

■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Division
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yano

*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.