HENNGE K.K. (headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer: Kazuhiro Ogura, “HENNGE”) is pleased to announce that HENNGE Connect, a feature of the SaaS authentication infrastructure (IDaaS) “HENNGE One” which enables secure access to internal on-premise systems from outside the company, is now compatible with the groupware “desknet’s NEO” provided by NEOJAPAN Inc.
In recent years, the increasing demand for DX among enterprises has led to the increased adoption of cloud services for more flexible work styles and improved productivity. On the other hand, within the groupware area, many companies and local governments have continued to promote the use of on-premise systems due to network security restrictions and the complexity of business operations, which makes it hard to migrate to the cloud.
In most cases, such companies and local governments have utilized VPNs for remote work. Recently, however, issues, such as the increase in cyber-attacks targeting VPN devices and the growing demand for remote work, have put pressure on networks, and require for a secure method, that could replace VPN, to access the company’s LAN.
By linking HENNGE Connect and desknet’s NEO, companies utilizing HENNGE One will be able to access desknet’s NEO on their corporate LAN simply by logging into HENNGE One without a VPN connection. This allows users to utilize desknet’s NEO safely while preventing security risks.
This collaboration was made possible through NEOJAPAN’s participation in the “HENNGE One Product Alliance Program”, operated by HENNGE, based on mutual verification.
HENNGE will continue to increase the number of solutions that work with HENNGE Connect and support the improvement of corporate productivity through the use of ICT.
Comments from Naoto Shiba, Product Management Division, Solution Sales Section Manager of NEOJAPAN Inc.
NEOJAPAN sincerely welcomes this collaboration between desknet’s NEO (packaged version) and HENNGE Connect. With the growing needs from companies and local governments for secure and smooth access from external to internal groupware, we are convinced that this collaboration between “desknet’s NEO (packaged version)” and “HENNGE Connect” will be an excellent solution for telework, providing both security and convenience.
NEOJAPAN will continue to strengthen its partnership with HENNGE to contribute to the promotion of flexible workstyles and improved productivity.
■ About desknet’s NEO
Offering 27 applications as standard features, desknet’s NEO is a groupware that helps organizations share information, improve communication, and enhance business efficiency. For the purpose of work style reform, telework, DX promotion, the groupware is utilized by groups and organizations of all sizes and industries, from small and medium-sized enterprises to big corporations, local governments and government agencies. Since its first launch in 1999, desknet’s NEO has been sold to more than 4.71 million users as of July 2022 (), and has been highly evaluated for its high functionality and ease of use. () Total number of cloud version contract users and the total number of package version sales users
■ About HENNGE Connect
As an SDP (*2) function of HENNGE One, SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) provides secure and seamless remote access to on-premise systems. Security is enhanced by issuing public URL for each on-premise system and authenticating access with HENNGE One’s access control feature. In addition to addressing the poor performance issues caused by conventional VPNs, HENNGE One simplifies installation and operation management processes, providing a seamless user experience.
*2. Abbreviation for “Software Defined Perimeter”. A function that prevents unauthorized access and other security risks by flexibly and dynamically changing access perimeters on software.
■ About HENNGE One
HENNGE One is a SaaS authentication platform (IDaaS) that provides comprehensive secure access, single sign-on function, and other features across various cloud services, including Cybozu.com, Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. It supports a wide range of email security as well, such as preventing sending cloud emails to wrong addresses, protecting against targeted attacks, and performing email auditing. HENNGE One works with various cloud services and it is utilized by a wide range of industries and business categories, including financial institutions, major corporations and government agencies.
URL: https://hennge.com/jp/service/one/
■About HENNGE One Product Alliance Program
HENNGE One Product Alliance Program promotes Single Sign-On (SSO) integration between HENNGE One and SaaS services of participating companies. By promoting SSO integration, this program aims to solve ID/passwords management issues and develop higher value-added solutions for businesses and industries. Since its launch in November 2020, more than 40 companies have joined the program.
Program Launch Press Release URL: https://hennge.com/jp/info/news/20201127_saas.html
■ About NEOJAPAN Inc.,
Company name: NEOJAPAN Inc.
Securities code: 3921
Address: Yokohama Landmark Tower, 10th Floor, 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Representative: Akinori Saito (President)
URL: https://www.neo.co.jp/
■ About HENNGE K.K.
HENNGE K.K. was established in November 1996. It is a SaaS company, guided by the philosophy of “liberation of technology to change the world” and it develops and sells unique services that bridge the gap between technology and reality. HENNGE provides “HENNGE One”, a one-stop cloud security service enabling consolidated IDs and passwords management of multiple cloud services, “Customers Mail Cloud” which is a cloud email distribution service, and “SumaMachi”, which is an interactive communication service between local government bodies and their residents. Since October 2019, HENNGE had been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Mothers, and then, a transition was made to the TSE Growth in April, 2022.
The company name “HENNGE” originated from the Japanese character for transformation, ‘HENNKA’ and ‘CHALLENGE’, which represents its commitment to keep challenging against every change we encounter.
Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuhiro Ogura (Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer)
URL: https://hennge.com/
■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Division
Email: info@hennge.com
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yano
*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.