HENNGE K.K. (headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer: Kazuhiro Ogura, “HENNGE”) is pleased to announce that on March 24, 2023, it donated 1 million (1,000,000) yen to the Japanese Red Cross Society for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Following last year (*1), this is HENNGE’s second donation to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
The donation was made to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Relief Fund of the Japan Red Cross Society, and the fund will be spent to provide evacuating people with medical services, livelihood support and assistance for reconstructing houses.
HENNGE would like to express our deepest sympathies to all those who have been affected and are facing difficulties in Ukraine and neighboring countries. We sincerely hope that the situation will be resolved peacefully as soon as possible and their lives will be back to normal.
*1 March 25, 2022 Press Release: “HENNGE Makes Donation to the Japanese Red Cross Society for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine” (https://hennge.com/global/info/press/20220325-donation-gl/)
■ About the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Relief Fund
The Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Relief Fund is the fund that the Japanese Red Cross Society calls for contribution for emergency relief in support of Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis and the neighboring countries which accept refugees from Ukraine, provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Red Cross Societies in many different countries.
URL: https://www.jrc.or.jp/contribute/help/ukraine/
■ About HENNGE K.K.
HENNGE K.K. was established in November 1996. It is a SaaS company, guided by the philosophy of “liberation of technology to change the world” and it develops and sells unique services that bridge the gap between technology and reality. HENNGE provides “HENNGE One”, a one-stop cloud security service enabling consolidated IDs and passwords management of multiple cloud services, “Customers Mail Cloud” which is a cloud email distribution service, and “SumaMachi”, which is an interactive communication service between local government bodies and their residents. Since October 2019, HENNGE had been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Mothers, and then, a transition was made to the TSE Growth in April, 2022.
The company name “HENNGE” originated from the Japanese character for transformation, ‘HENNKA’ and ‘CHALLENGE’, which represents its commitment to keep challenging against every change we encounter.
Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuhiro Ogura (Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer)
URL: https://hennge.com/
■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Division
Email: info@hennge.com
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yano
*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.