HENNGE K.K. (headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer: Kazuhiro Ogura) is pleased to announce that its cloud security service “HENNGE One,” which advances the safety and convenience of working environments, now supports “MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage,” a digital storage service provided by Panasonic Net Solutions Co.,Ltd (headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazuhiko Nanbu).
In January 2024, the revised Act on Book and Record Keeping through Electronic Methods (the Electronic Bookkeeping Law) became fully enforced, making electronic data storage mandatory for digital documents such as email and attached files. There is an increasing need for a service that allows companies to store documents, including receipts and invoices, safely and securely in a way that complies with the law and manages them efficiently.
HENNGE One is integrated with MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage to enable the companies employing HENNGE One to use a single sign-on to MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage. They no longer have to manage complicated multiple IDs and passwords. Furthermore, HENNGE One’s access control features, such as IP Control and multi-factor authentication like device certificate, contribute to safer usage of MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
HENNGE will keep on trying to increase integrated SaaS with “HENNGE One” to support the convenient and secure adoption of SaaS for companies.
■ About MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage
MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD Documented Evidence Storage is a service that enables users to store and manage receipts, invoices, and digital data received through electronic transactions by scanning them with a smartphone or scanner and uploading them to the cloud. The JIIMA-certified tool, with tamper-proof and advanced search features, fulfills the Electronic Bookkeeping Law’s requirements of ensuring authenticity and visibility and securely stores digital data of any documented evidence: receipts, invoices, and estimates, as well as delivery notes and others. The users can also link documents, such as a bill with a related order counterfoil, delivery note, and estimate, to manage them together.
URL: https://www.majorflowz.com/major-flow-z-cloud/shohyo_denshi/
■ About HENNGE One
HENNGE One is a cloud security service that supports the safety and convenience of the working environment. The IdP Edition, one of the two main functions of HENNGE One, integrates IDs/passwords for multiple cloud services, such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Box, and provides protection against unauthorized access through access control. The E-Mail Security Edition includes various e-mail security functions, including de-PPAP, targeted attack protection, and e-mail error/audit support. With extensive functions, we support using cloud services for enterprises and carry on our corporate philosophy of “Liberation of Technology.”
URL: https://hennge.com/global/henngeone/
■ About Panasonic Net Solutions Co.,Ltd
With two core businesses of workflow service and video surveillance solutions, Panasonic Net Solutions Co.,Ltd supports clients in achieving streamlined and efficient workflow and a secure and peaceful workplace. MAJOR FLOW Z CLOUD, a workflow package developed based on its abundant experience and know-how, gains an excellent reputation from users.
Its video solutions, with two core technologies of video surveillance system, Argo View, and cloud-based video recording service, Ciero, are highly acclaimed and have the highest(*) share in Japan’s VMS market.
(*) “2017-2022 future outlook of markets for security related market” Future Outlook of Security Related Technologies and Markets 2023, Fuji Keizai, 2016-2022 actual result
Company name: Panasonic Net Solutions Co.,Ltd
Representative: CEO Kazuhiko Nanbu
Headquarters: Tsukiji Hamarikyu Bld. 12F, 5-3-3, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0045
The Date of Establishment: January 30, 2008
URL: https://netsol.jpn.panasonic.com/
■ About HENNGE K.K.
Established in November 1996, HENNGE K.K. is a SaaS company, guided by the philosophy of “liberation of technology to change the world.” It develops and sells unique services that bridge the gap between technology and reality. HENNGE provides “HENNGE One,” a one-stop cloud security service enabling consolidated IDs and passwords management of multiple cloud services, “Customers Mail Cloud” which is a cloud email distribution service, and “SumaMachi”, which is an interactive communication service between local government bodies and their residents. Since October 2019, HENNGE had been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Mothers, and then, a transition was made to the TSE Growth in April 2022.
The company name “HENNGE” originated from the Japanese character for transformation, ‘HENNKA’ and ‘CHALLENGE,’ representing its commitment to keep challenging every change we encounter.
Company name: HENNGE K.K. (securities code: 4475)
Address: Daiwa Shibuya Square, 16-28 Nanpeidaicho, Shibuya City, Tokyo
Representative: Kazuhiro Ogura (Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer)
URL: https://hennge.com/
■ Contact information for inquiries regarding this press
Corporate Communication Division
Email: info@hennge.com
TEL: 03-6415-3660
Person in charge: Yano
*The names of companies, products and services mentioned in this press are trademarks or registered trademarks of HENNGE.K.K. or other related organizations.