Disclosure Policy

HENNGE K.K. (the “Company”) discloses information (“Information Disclosure”), as follows.

1. Information Disclosure Standards

The Company endeavors to provide transparent, prompt, accurate, and fair Information Disclosure to all shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). The Company discloses information that is required to be disclosed in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations, as well as the Timely Disclosure Rules prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (collectively, “Laws and Regulations, etc.”). The Company also proactively discloses information that it judges to be beneficial for providing a greater understanding of the Group.

2. Information Disclosure Methods

The Company discloses information that is required to be disclosed in accordance with Laws and Regulations, etc. through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ Network system (EDINET) provided by the Financial Services Agency. Information that is judged to be beneficial for providing a greater understanding of the Group is also disclosed on the Company’s website, and through other methods. In addition, the Company responds directly to inquiries in briefings, including financial results presentation meetings, individual meetings with institutional investors and individual interviews by media organizations, etc. as well as inquiries from shareholders and others.

3. Timing of Information Disclosure

  1. Information disclosed in accordance with Laws and Regulations, etc. is disclosed through TDnet or EDINET by the deadline specified in Laws and Regulations, etc. Information disclosed through TDnet is also promptly posted on the Company’s website.
  2. Information that is disclosed by the Company voluntarily is disclosed at the time at which the Company judges that it should do so. The Company may decline to respond to individual interviews or inquiries, and the like, from the standpoint of fair disclosure and confidentiality.

4. Quiet Period

To prevent leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness, the Company has a “quiet period” that extends from the day following the end of a fiscal year (including the end of each fiscal quarter) until the date of the earnings announcement for that fiscal year or each fiscal quarter. During this quiet period, the Company refrains, in principle, from responding to or commenting on questions related to the financial results. However, even during the quiet period, if a situation arises in which disclosure is required by Laws and Regulations, etc. (for example, if it is anticipated that there will be a large discrepancy between the financial results forecast and the actual results), information will be disclosed in accordance with Laws and Regulations, etc.

5. Forward-Looking Statements and Financial Results Forecasts

Forward-looking statements and financial results forecasts are determined by the Company based on information available at the time of preparation or publication, and include risks and uncertainties. For various reasons, actual results may differ from these forward-looking statements or financial results forecasts. Therefore, we ask investors to refrain from relying solely on these forward-looking statements.