Email Threat Protection for Microsoft 365
HENNGE Cloud Protection
The Threat of Cyber Attacks via Email
Cyber-attacks have been recognized since around 2000, and in recent years, the methods of attack have become increasingly malicious and sophisticated.
In particular, phishing scams, ransomware attacks, targeted attacks, and other types of attacks originating from e-mail continue to occur.
It is becoming more and more difficult to counter cyber-attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated and evolving every day, with conventional antivirus software alone.
Sending and infecting malware
Leading users to phishing sites to read information
Reading information for targeted attacks
Threat protection in conjunction with Microsoft 365 email,
Cyber Attack Countermeasure Solution
“HENNGE Cloud Protection”.
This service works with Microsoft 365 to protect Exchange items on Microsoft 365, including email, from threats.
Scans Exchange items (email, calendar appointments, contacts) for harmful content and protects against viruses, Trojans, ransomware, and other advanced malware. A sandbox dynamically analyzes suspicious files to safely detect malicious activity.
HENNGE Cloud Protection does not work with Google Workspace.
Comparison with conventional services
HENNGE Cloud Protection
API linked service
Conventional service
Gateway type cloud security
5 points
Detection of unknown threatsScanning for known as well as unknown threats, malicious URLs and phishing URLs is possible.
Wide range of scanning targetsExchange Online inbox emails and calendars can be scanned. In addition, malware detection for SharePoint Online, Teams, and OneDrive is also supported.
Compromised account detectionDetects compromised accounts and supports early countermeasures to minimize damage, such as identity verification and password changes.
Detection of internal addresses as well Because it is linked to the API, it is possible to scan incoming/outgoing e-mails to/from internal addresses.
This is an effective countermeasure to prevent hijacked email addresses from being used as abusive email.
Advantages of API integration typeNo extensive construction work is required, and the system can be introduced immediately. No need to worry about mail delivery being stopped in the event of a service failure, as is the case with gateway systems.