Box Linkage
HENNGE Secure Download for Box
HENNGE One solves the operational issues of Box, such as setting shared URL permissions and generating passwords.
HENNGE One solves these problems.
HENNGE One is a non-PPAP solution that combines the e-mail error prevention function of the HENNGE One cloud security service with the Box content cloud. All the sender has to do is to send a file as an attachment to an e-mail as before, and the file will be automatically uploaded to Box. The recipient receives a PDF containing the body of the file and a URL to share it, and can download the file using an authentication code sent in a separate email. If the sender happens to attach the wrong file, the URL can be disabled after the file is sent.
For customers who want to consolidate all internal documents in Box, this is an indispensable solution together with PPAP countermeasures.
Sender only needs to attach filesThe sender only needs to attach the file to the e-mail and send it.
Risk avoidance on the sender/receiver sideThe PPAP method can be avoided, and the URL method can be used. In case of wrong attachment, it is possible to invalidate the attachment during the process.
Unified file storage destinationAll files sent by users are stored in the administrator’s folder for centralized management. Files and folders can be deleted.
Stability of the serviceURL links are posted on PDF files to avoid tampering with the body of the email. Multi-language support (Japanese/English/Simplified-Chinese/Traditional-Chinese) is also available.
No need to manage the storage sideThere is no need to adjust access privileges or manage administrative workloads, making operation easy. Files are automatically stored in the administrator’s folder of Box, and links can be set by the administrator to expire in the range of 1-60 days.