Comprehensive Guide for Cloud Service Users to Prevent Misconfiguration

  • Security Measures

Misconfiguration of SaaS products can lead to the risk of leaking important and confidential corporate information.

Seemingly minor configuration errors can cause major security problems. Cases announced in the news show that information leaks continue to occur due to misconfigurations in SaaS, which are widely used by Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, and others.

This white paper will explain how to prevent SaaS misconfiguration based on the findings from the “Cloud Misconfiguration Prevention Guidebook” published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on April 26, 2024.

The contents of the document are as follows

  • MIC Cloud Configuration Error Countermeasure Guidebook
  • Concept of cloud misconfiguration countermeasures
  • Causes of cloud misconfiguration
  • Countermeasures against cloud misconfiguration