Next Gen Company Culture | HENNGE Talks! 2022 – Episode 2

  • Business / Products
  • Culture


Get to know the daily life of a software engineer at a B2B SaaS company in Japan.

In the second episode of HENNGE Talks!, our host Sean was joined by Iskandar and Bagus from the Cloud Development team to get a glimpse into the life of a software engineer at a B2B SaaS company in Japan. In this session, the speakers talked about bottom-up culture, the challenges of a growing development team in a tech company, and the importance of adapting communication methods as teams grow.

“To balance between bottom up and top down, now that we have more people, we have sub-teams. There the bottom-up culture still flourishes.” – Bagus

Both Bagus and Iskandar started their career as new graduates at HENNGE and have seen the Cloud Development team grow over the years. From the increase in average TOEIC scores (English Language Proficiency test) to meeting team members in person for the first time during a workcation, find out how HENNGE’s Cloud Product Development Team works and communicates.

What you’ll learn from this session:
・Team structures and responsibilities in the Development team.
・The value of open communication.
・Communication in a diverse work environment.
・Insights for those who are interested in working in a tech company in Japan.

Watch the full episode below:

Ever wanted to attend a tech conference or
better yet, speak at one? Be sure to check
out Episode 3 of HENNGE Talks! 2022 to
find out the benefits of tech conferences and
how to become a speaker at one.

HENNGE Talks! is a webinar for motivated software engineers and UI/UX designers seeking the inside scoop on how to join tech leaders shaping the future in Japan, brought to you by HENNGE.

Check out career opportunities at HENNGE: