
Great Principle for Success by Great Japanese Entrepreneur, Kazuo Inamori
February 12, 2023
Introducing a key princinple for the success from great Japanese entrepreneur, Kazuo Inamori.

5 Strategies to Protect Business from Social Engineering Attack
November 4, 2022
Social engineering is a technique used by hackers to compromise internal systems by using email, phone or in person. The article describes 5 basic strategies which companies can pursue to protect their company from social engineering attacks.

How to Evaluate Information Assets in ISMS (ISO27001)?
October 31, 2022
Information assets are any assets containing information. In ISMS (ISO27001), it is required to list up all information and information medium to evaluate the value and current security measures one by one.

Importance of Email Archive
September 7, 2022
In order to keep that valuable information safe, a company needs to archive emails. And by archiving emails, the company can keep those emails as digital proof.

2 Important Lessons Lapsus$ Taught Us
August 10, 2022
Describing 2 lessons we can learn from Lapsus$ which shows how social engineering can threaten the organizaion.

The Cyber Attack Trend is Shifting
August 3, 2022
Cyber attacks by Emoted or by Lapsus$ made big impact on corporate information security. These are explanations of how these attaces are different from previous attacks.

The Law of 100: Consistency is the Key to Success
July 14, 2022
The law of 100 is to continue 100 times to be good at it and to know the benefits. This article explains how law of 100 applied to our experience and have an insight on consistency.

Importance of Stating and Recognizing Learnings to Grow Faster
June 28, 2022
Intentionally stating learnings will help people grow faster. And, by stating the things we can improve for next time, we can continue pursuing the learning cycle and accelerate the growth.

Is SaaS Expensive or Not?
June 21, 2022
Compare 3 types of cost of ownership to explore whether cost of SaaS is expensive over on-premise system or not.

Importance to Value Each Team Member as a Manager - Precious Quotes of Panasonic Founder
May 9, 2022
Konosuke Matsushita is a famous founder in Japan who founded a giant electronics company called Panasonic. He is often known as the 'god of management' in Japan. As people describe him as a god of management, he left great quotes and provided great tips of management.

How to Recognize the Challenge?
April 26, 2022
Explaining about 2 questions to ask to know whether a person is challenging or not.

How to Recognize the Challenge?
April 18, 2022
Here are Most Common Passwords for 2021. Time to Think About Passwords.

Make IT Onboarding Efficient with Access Control Service
April 12, 2022
Although HENNGE Access Control is a security solution, the article explains how it can be used to increase the efficiency of the onboarding process for an IT department.

What is ISO27001 (ISMS)?
March 22, 2022
Today there are a lot of malware and ransomware attacks around the world. Plus, there are many unauthorized access attempts to steal our identities. ISO/IEC 27001(ISMS) is an international standard which states the requirements for how information security should be managed in an organization.

How SaaS Matches to VUCA World
December 22, 2021
We are now in the world called VUCA which is Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. SaaS is the solution which makes a company more agile in the unpredictable world.

A Single Yet the Most Important Tip to Make Mistakes
December 1, 2021
HENNGE has culture to make a mistake to learn fast. However, what is a mistake? This article present the important factor to make mistake.

HENNGE, a Company Values the Power of Igniting Changes
November 25, 2021
In order for a company to last long, being able to adapt to change is crucial. HENNGE is a company survived by consistently changing ourselves as environment changes.

Community Mobility Report Shows Taiwan is Getting Back to Normal 2 Months After Epidemic Alert Became Level 2
October 28, 2021
There are clear trend from Google COVID-19 community mobility report that Taiwan is getting back to normal 2 months after epidemic alert became level 2. The number of people in the workplace is almost the same level as the time before epidemic alert level 3.

What is SAML?
October 21, 2021
SAML which is described as an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and a service provider. When we say single sign-on using SAML means once the user is authenticated, the authentication information can be passed to different SaaS/cloud services.

Difficulty of Calculating Real ROI
October 14, 2021
ROI is an abbreviation for return on investment. When a company invests resources for a business process, the company should expect some return. As a company as a whole, all the expenses can be seen as investment and profit will be shown in the financial statement so that it is easily calculated. However, if a manager of a team wants to know the ROI of each project in a company, calculation becomes difficult.

How to Send Attachment Files in Easy but Effective Way
September 16, 2021
Introducing the way to transfer large files without attaching files to email. Plus, explains the usefulness of the function which can notify at the timing of the file downloaded.

The Key to be Successful on B2B Sales is to Keep in Touch
September 9, 2021
Unlike B2C, most of the B2B sales take time. Since there are several steps for the purchase process in a company, the sales cycle of the B2B solution tends to be long. Therefore, following-up and keep in touch are important factors to be successful on B2B sales.

Secure Way to Sign-in to SaaS/Cloud Services with Only 1 Tap
August 26, 2021
Introducing a secure way to sign-in to SaaS/cloud services in 1 tap using authentication by device digital certificate and multi-factor authentication by push notification.

3 Mindsets That a Manager Can Learn from 'Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (黃石公三略)'
August 12, 2021
It is difficult to be a manager or a leader of a team. Technical skills such as accounting skills, legal skills or computer coding skills can be learned. However, humans are so diverse that it is difficult to get better at soft skills. Since this was an issue from ancient times, people wrote the best practices and left those for the people living today. In this article, I would like to share some wisdoms I found in 'Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (黃石公三略)' regarding mindsets of a manager.

Being Creative as a Professional Isn't Just About Connecting Dots But to Ship
August 5, 2021
The difference between a professional and an amateur is that a professional delivers value to others. If you are an amateur, the most important thing is to amuse yourself so that as long as you are happy doing it, the goal is already achieved. However, if you would like to be a professional, you need to deliver value to others.

The Easiest Way to Understand Product-Fit and Product-Market-Fit
July 29, 2021
When a startup company tries to expand their business, we often categorize the growing stages into product-fit stage and product-market-fit stage. This article explains definitions of product-fit stage and product-market-fit stage which the author usually share with others.

Difficulty of Finding the Right KPI
July 21, 2021
In order to achieve goals, it is better to have some indicator to know that we are on the right track. And KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is an indicator measurement to show whether we are doing good or not. In order to be accurate, KPI needs to be relevant to our goals. In reality, setting the right KPI is quite difficult.

Theory of Evolution in Innovation
July 15, 2021
In Darwin's theory of evolution, new species will arise as those survive from natural selection by gradual evolution. Products constantly need to adjust to the changing market environment to prolong. Business is just like a wild animal living a wild life.

What is the True Cost Performance?
July 8, 2021
Cost performance is an indicator which shows the ability to deliver performance over a certain cost. It is easy for us to focus only on the expense fee as cost, since price is always a number and can be easily calculated. However, cost is not only about the money spent, but also the amount of time and human resources needed to be input.

Situation in Taiwan under Epidemic Alert Level 3
June 24, 2021
Taiwan is under epidemic alert level 3 due to increase number of COVID-19 infected people. The article analyzes epidemic alert level situation in Taiwan using COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports.

5 Biggest Reasons Why Information Sharing Empowers Team Members
June 21, 2021
It is obvious that having more information than others provides more advantages. However, sharing information with team members will provide more benefits. Here are 5 biggest reasons why information sharing empowers team members and how to embrace it.

The Secret to Increasing Workplace Productivity
May 3, 2021
With new technologies, I believe we are able to find solutions to make our tasks more efficient, turning multi-pass operations into...